Kiwanis Club of Kern, Bakersfield CA
Cecilia Provensal President
Aileen Brooks President-Elect
Shirley Ventura Past President
John Wagner Secretary/Treasurer
Board Members
Jay Boydstun
Kathe Davis
Jim Provensal
Chris Strong
Fuchsia Ward
Ricardo Ybarra
Kern Kiwanis Foundation Board
Shirley Ventura President
Steve Snitchler Past President
Kathe Davis Secretary
Chris Aasness Treasurer
Board Members
Jay Boydstun
Paul Bristol (ex-officio)
Mike Daillak
Cecilia Provensal
Chris Strong
Jim Ventura
John Wagner
Fuchsia Ward
Ricardo Ybarra
Membership in Kiwanis is not an expensive proposition:
• One-time Membership Fee
• Monthly Dues
• Meals
We meet weekly, the opening ceremonies
include a patriotic song, flag salute, and
an invocation. A short fellowship meeting is held, followed by a guest speaker.
Guest speakers represent local civic, community, and business leaders.
Speakers provide our members insight on the workings and activities in their fields or industries. Guest speakers also provide an opportunity for our members to meet individuals that are making a positive impact in Kern County.
Weekly luncheon meetings are held on Thursday from 12:00-1:00 p.m. (except the 2nd Thursday of the month) at the Marie Calendars (3801 California Ave.)
Corporate Memberships
Companies that want to be “good corporate citizens” find this membership appealing because they recognize the value of affiliation with a well-respected service organization like Kiwanis. An added plus: The corporate member represents company interests within the club and develops a relationship between the company, Kiwanis and other community partners.
How it works
The company or organization, rather than the individual, joins you club-just as a member ordinarily would.
That employee represents the company or organization and club meetings and events.
If that employee changes jobs or is transferred to a new location, another employee can be designated to take his/her place-without being charged a new membership fee by the organization or the club.
3-2-1 CLUB
For people whose schedules make it hard to attend club meetings frequently, the 3-2-1 Club is a great option.
After all, most folks are as committed as ever to service and community involvement. And they appreciate the opportunities Kiwanis club membership provides.
A 3-2-1 Kiwanis club is an excellent option for people with demanding schedules. Inspired by feedback from current and past members, the 3-2-1 club is also a good fit for those who prefer a membership that emphasizes activities and projects outside of meeting rooms.
Membership still includes the one-time membership fee and monthly dues. Since 3-2-1 members only meet once a month you only pay for one meal.
How it works
A 3-2-1 club meets for about three hours each month to conduct service projects, two hours each month for a social activity and one hour each month for club business.
The monthly one-hour meeting takes place the evening of the second Thursday of every month. It is a traditional Kiwanis club meeting, 3-2-1 members will have an opportunity to socialize with members of the lunch club. The meeting allows 3-2-1 members to discuss and organize club activities, service projects, and social events for the following month.
2nd Thursday of Every Month
Contact us for this month's gathering place.